
We have had the best time over the last few weeks. V has come into our family like she has always been here. The boys have taken on their new responsibilities with strength and have shown a deep compassion that touches my soul. 

Am I tired? Yes. I will be tired until the day I die. Now is the time to live. 




It was been a while since I posted a real “honest” blog. Today, I am looking at my silly bird (which I like to call her). She has brought us so much joy. The pain to get to her (and our other boys) is what is on my heart today.

The pain of lost time.

9 months (or so) in the womb for each child: 36 months

12 weeks maternity leave per child (standard for my job status for a woman who is pregnant) minus the time off I was able to use:  approximately 7 months total

Months of life apart from me total (all children): 65 months

Total time lost: 108 months (9 years)

9 years!

It is not just me that feels the pain of loss. My kids and husband do too. Some days our own pain,  brokenness, and loss rubs up against another’s pain, brokenness, and loss. It can get ugly.

Thank goodness God hasn’t given up on us. His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.